Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas
This Christmas is especially special for our family...it is our very first Christmas in our new home! It is so wonderful to have a place that truly is "ours." Sure we had to duplex and all but here is just feels MAGICAL! Tristan loves all things Christmas...every morning we have to turn on all the singing/dancing snowmen and santas, then we have to turn on all the lights and we have to put an ornament on our advent calendar. He absolutely loves Santa..he calls him HO HO HO.
This is our living room..notice all the singing and dancing things in front of the fireplace..they are all Tristan's! Oh and he got a train to go around the tree...we have spent a fortune on batteries already this year :)

I found these shelves at a garage sale for 2 bucks and then i found the shelf brackets at Hobby Lobby at half price...super easy and cheap way to decorate!

Tristan's Great-Aunt Dee made him this advent calendar..every day we take an ornament out of the bag and place it on the tree. He gets super excited about it, and she gave us this blow up Santa..Thanks Aunt Dee :)

Friday, November 19, 2010
One of Our Favorite Fall and Winter time recipes...
Monday, November 8, 2010
OU Homecoming Parade 2010

Tristan had tons of fun at the OU Homecoming parade....he loved the fact that you can sit on the side of the road and people just throw candy to you!
Tristan Gets Tubes!

On September 10th our sweet little boy had his first surgery...I know it wasn't a major surgery but it was major to us. Watching him being taken back into the operating room is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. He did great though! The sweet nurse made him a balloon out of a glove and he thought that was great! He woke up a little cranky but soon got over that when we went to eat some breakfast...he ate sooo much!
His hearing was horrible before the surgery...the doctor said everything he heard sounded like it was under water and that is why he didn't say many words. Tristan has had earaches at least once a month since he was 4 months old...let me tell you....if your doctor recommends tubes then by all means do it! Tristan says so many more words and is all around a different and happier child. We went for his one month check up after the surgery and his hearing is 100% better! That's my boy!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Fall is here!
We spent last Thursday night mowing and picking up the yard! Tristan had so much fun helping us. He thinks he is a big boy!
Tristan got a slide and he loves it! His favorite game is for us to count to 3 and then say SLIDE! He also found these pajamas in a bag of clothes that someone (most likely Brittany) gave to us and he kept saying Brobee...which is his favorite character from Yo Gabba Gabba...so of course he had to wear the pajamas all day even though it was 90 degrees outside! 
Movin' On Up!
Last week be finally bought our new Dog Bentley a house big enough for her with room to grow! Just to give you an idea on how big this house/ban is....its 4 1/2 feet by 4 1/2 feet! It's HUGE! My 4 year old nephew Seth can stand up inside of it and his head won't touch the ceiling! All the dogs love it....they have been sleeping outside in it and prefer to be out there instead of inside....well they prefer it a lot more when Tristan is awake :) When it starts getting cold outside of course we will let the dogs sleep inside but we are also going to put in a dog house heater in it for those winter days outside :) We looked everywhere for a sturdy and affordable dog house that was big enough and either found ones that cost an arm and a leg or were so poorly built that they wouldn't have lasted a week! Then, we came across this man that lives in the Metro that builds these mini sheds! They are very well built and very inexpensive! Now we just need to paint it....I am thinking hot pink with zebra trim LOL!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Some Random pics from our anniversary day!
Amazing picture of tristan that Timmy took :)
Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary
It's hard to believe that September 6th was our 2nd wedding anniversary. Wow time flies when you are having the time of your life!
This year our anniversary fell on Labor Day.
We went and saw the movie Vampires Suck....and yes it did SUCK! Two thumbs down!

This year instead of buying each other gifts we bought something that we could both use...a new camera! It's a Sony A330! It takes amazing pictures which you will be able to see in future posts!
Also this year Timmy had his cousin make a disk of our wedding video...if you ask me, that was the best part of our anniversary...

This year instead of buying each other gifts we bought something that we could both use...a new camera! It's a Sony A330! It takes amazing pictures which you will be able to see in future posts!

Later on that night we went to our nephew Bryan's football game. Our anniversary was amazing!
Oklahoma..where the wind goes.....
You have no idea on how much time I put into setting this gazebo up...all the screws and finding the right parts went right out the drain last Thursday night....a huge storm popped up in Norman and tore it all to pieces! I woke up Friday morning to find this....it was staked into the dound in 8 different places! Gotta love Oklahoma wind!
My Scentsy Launch Party
Last weekend I held my Scentsy Fall and Winter Launch party in Norman. I had an okay turnout but I am just happy I am getting my name out there! I just love love love the new Holiday warmers and the new scents! My favorites are Snowberry and My Dear Watson...yes they are soon to be added to my collection! On Thursday, September 24th I am having a Fall and Winter Open house at my moms in Springdale. Everyone is invited! Bring a Friend!
This was my display table....I even made my plug-in light box from a paper mache box from hobby lobby, a wall socket and wall plate, an extention cord and some paint! It was super super easy!

Coconut Macaroons..an obsession really...
- 1 1/3 cups flaked coconut
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 2 tablespoons all-purpose four
- 1/8/teaspoon salt
- 2 egg whites
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a small bowl, combine the coconut, sugar, flour and salt. Stir in egg whites and vanilla; mix well. Drop by rounded teaspoons full onto greased baking sheet.
Bake at 325 degrees for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on wire rack!
*Optional* dip in baker's chocolate and let cool until chocolate hardens!
I double the recipe and it seems to make the right amount that way! ENJOY!
1,2,3, Slide!
Tristan has recently discovered his love for slides! The bigger, the BETTER! His whole face lights up whenever he gets near one, so we bought him a smaller one for the living room and now his favorite game is 1..2..3..slide! He especially loves it when his daddy counts! He will go up and down his slide for hours!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Alligator Chomp
Tristan learned a new dance this week Courtesy of YO GABBA GABBA!
Last Week In Review:
One night, on my once in a long time trip by myself to the store I received this picture on my phone asking "mommy where are you?" Too cute! Judging by this pic there is no denying that Timmy and Tristan are father and son.
On Friday night we went and ate at a Mexican restaurant called Chelinos with Timmy's mom and Grandma Bromley. On the way out the door we saw one of those quarter machines with fake mustaches. We just had too... Tristan was a hoot!

Last weekend the city of Norman held it's city wide garage sale and so we decided to have one also. We sold tons of JUNK and were able to make some money to use on our anniversary in a few weeks. Anyways, Tristan got to keep all the quarters and he just loved putting them into his piggy bank...I think he loved the sound that it made when the quarters hit the bottom the most!

On Tuesday after we dropped Seth off at school we stopped by the library and played a while. He absolutely loved this train. He was so loud yelling "ahh choo, ahh choo" the whole time he was climbing on it. They also had a train table that he liked. I think Santa needs to bring him some trains this year...hint hint SANTA! We also read a few books but for the most part the train had his attention!

Last weekend the city of Norman held it's city wide garage sale and so we decided to have one also. We sold tons of JUNK and were able to make some money to use on our anniversary in a few weeks. Anyways, Tristan got to keep all the quarters and he just loved putting them into his piggy bank...I think he loved the sound that it made when the quarters hit the bottom the most!

On Tuesday after we dropped Seth off at school we stopped by the library and played a while. He absolutely loved this train. He was so loud yelling "ahh choo, ahh choo" the whole time he was climbing on it. They also had a train table that he liked. I think Santa needs to bring him some trains this year...hint hint SANTA! We also read a few books but for the most part the train had his attention!
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